A Hike Worth Taking: Goodyear Fellow Inspires Girls

上个星期六, 特学校 welcomed Jennifer Pharr Davis to campus as the 2018 Alison Harrison Goodyear ’29 Fellow, and the keynote speaker and workshop presenter at Foxcroft’s first 健康的周末. A highly accomplished hiker who has been to all 50 states and six continents while exploring her passion for the lifestyle sport, Jennifer also set the speed record in 2011 for completing the Appalachian Trail's entire 2,46天185英里的路程, 11个小时, 20分钟.
As Jennifer began her talk among the roomful of students, 教师, 柯里尔图书馆的工作人员和社区成员, an early question posed to the group garnered their full attention. “有多少人在树林里过夜??她问. 房间里的人纷纷举手, Jennifer offered a confession that seemingly captivated the audience. “徒步旅行是我做过的最艰难的事情,詹妮弗说。, who clearly learned to love it since she owns a hiking company and presented a “回来packing 101” workshop after her speech.

我在北卡罗来纳州长大, Jennifer participated in sports most of her life and was in great physical shape. But sports games had a certainty that hiking did not: an end time. 大学毕业后, when she set a five-month goal to hike the the Appalachian Trail for the first time, Jennifer convinced herself that it would be “technically just walking” and wondered, “能有多难呢??” She imagined the incredible scenic views and wildflowers that would greet her along the way as she set out on her journey with her brother’s Boy Scout backpacking supplies.

“I’ll never forget the sense of pride I had when I started in Georgia and walked 77 miles. It took about a week and a half and I got into North Carolina. 就像,哇! 我来到了一个新的州,”她回忆道. 

Jennifer soon learned that hiking the Appalachian Trail was harder than she ever expected, 持久的暴风雪条件, 多孔的脚, 冰冻的眼皮, and limited food as she continued her hiking journey through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that straddles North Carolina and Tennessee. It would take a total of six days for Jennifer to make it out of the Smoky Mountains, but she did it!

That early sense of achievement served as motivation for Jennifer to continue her quest to hike all the way to Maine. 她谈到了毅力, 简单的价值, 她对沉默的热爱, 与自然融为一体. “直到那一刻, I had been on a path that my parents had set for me, 那是老师给我的, 我的教练为我设定的. For the first time in my life, I knew who I was and I was okay with that,” she said.

In an era where young women often place too much emphasis on their physical appearance and how others’ view them, Jennifer reflected on her realization of what truly matters. “Looking in the mirror after a five-month trail hike, I never felt more beautiful. I began to see myself through interactions with other people,” she said.

Jennifer’s presentation definitely hit home with students. “我从演讲者身上学到了很多东西!大二学生玛丽娜·V说. “The first that comes to mind is that it's okay to be forward and truthful about what you want. I also learned that happiness does not come from material things.大一新生比安卡. added: “What I took away from her presentation is that you should be willing to try a new experience in life and, 更重要的是, stick with the decision to try that new experience, 因为它可能会改变你的生活.”

毫无疑问, she inspired all of us to be a better version of ourselves and to consider how taking a hike can bring joy and peace within.

艾莉森·哈里森·固特异29年研究员项目, offered through the generosity of the family and friends of Alison Harrison Goodyear, 福克斯克罗夫特1929届, brings distinguished speakers and provocative performers to Foxcroft to deliver a keynote address and conduct small group seminars with students. Fellowship recipients during the program’s 47-year history include such remarkable voices as Maya Angelou, 詹姆斯·贝克三世, 多丽丝·卡恩斯·古德温, 琼基尔孟, Richard Leakey, 大卫•麦卡洛, 莎莉骑, 芭芭拉·沃尔特斯和最近的, 科技企业家希娜·艾伦.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.
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